Saturday, April 19, 2014

I know its been long loves, but have I got news for you...
Im aware that in one of my posts, maybe my first or second, i don't recall, I explained my likes, and dislikes. Now, I don't know if you can remember, but I said I liked one direction. Anyway, today marks the day that I became an official Larry shipper. Believe what you want, I would NEVER try to shove my opinions down your throat, that's so rude. Reasons why i don't believe in ELOUnor :
Okay, so i hoped you enjoyed this update, and if you are also a larry shipper, i would love to talk with you! That's what my blog's all about, connecting with my readers..
See ya soon loves!!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hey ya'll! Long time no see, huh? Or should I say long time no type?(lol) JK, anyway I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgot about ya'll, its just I haven't had any interesting to share or nothing. So. from now on, i'll only be sharing spicy, exciting news, and things alike. Well, hope Y'all enjoyed the update, and all my other posts so far, and have a wonderful rest of the evening...